Saturday, May 15, 2021


Days were placid and peaceful,
Stars were shining bright & clear,
And thus we lived in “Utopian” dreams,
Until “The Virus” entered our lives…!!!

World around is still fuming in dispute,
As to who invited him to our persistence,
As an intruder, enticing but with wilderness,
And running a rampage of “Armageddon” …!!!

Do we still have faith in “The Myth”; that -
Fiercely dragging the universe thru “Kalyuga”,
And believe the agent of death is sent by
“The Destroyer” himself for eternal balance?

Do we still consider the human as mighty;
Just as he conquers everything under sky?
Or start feeling the ever ferocious nature,
Of which the former are drops in an ocean?

Do we still run behind everything around;
Footing down the lives of the fellow beings,
And amassing a fortune, which never belonged,
To any of its beholders, ever in the “Time Wheel”?

“The Virus”, no matter what all he claims,
Throw up forbidden thoughts, factually suppressed!
Show up abandoned normalcies, carefully deracinated!
Clear up derailed retrospections, forcefully curtailed!

And shout us back, which reverberates ever,
“Hey mortals, you are nothing as compared,
And having a life just long as an eye blink,
Make most of it today just by being selfless”


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